Privacy Policy

When users of the Help Images website leave comments on the site, we collect the data shown in the comment form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and browser data, to help detect spam.

An anonymized string of characters created from your email (also called a hash) may be sent to Gravatar to check if you use the service. The Gravatar privacy policy is available here: After your comment is approved, your profile picture becomes visible publicly alongside your comment.


The visual identities of some applications used by Help Images are purely illustrative, without any intention to impersonate or represent third parties. Some images may have been edited to create unique and customized content while always respecting the identity of any company directly or indirectly related to our applications.


Cookies are small text files that can set preferences based on your choices on your device when you visit our site, and each of them can contain an anonymous, unique, and arbitrary identification number.

Persistent cookies are those that remain on the device until manually removed or until their expiration date. Session cookies, on the other hand, remain on your device while the browser is open and are automatically deleted afterward.

When leaving a comment on the site, you may choose to save your name, email, and website in cookies. This is for your convenience, so you don’t have to enter your details again when making another comment. These cookies last for one year.

Cookies do not collect or store information that allows you to be personally identified. You can choose to refuse some or all cookies by accessing your browser settings. Please be aware that by disabling cookies, certain parts of our site may not function, and we may display our Cookie Notice again.

The Help Images website also uses Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect data related to user navigation on this site and generate improvement reports. Data collected by Google Analytics may also be associated with data collected by other Google tools, where the user has authenticated and allowed this link for the purpose of ad personalization. This information may include location, age, search history, and partner data. This data is essential for strategic audience analysis and behavior. It’s worth noting that this data is anonymous. In addition to Google Analytics, other tools such as YouTube and Facebook may also be used for the same purpose.

In addition to Google AdSense, Help Images also utilizes advertising services from Ezoic Inc. to enhance its content and keep it free.

On the Help Images website, affiliate product links from third-party sites like Amazon are also promoted. These third parties are responsible for the sale and availability of the acquired content and have their own privacy policies.

Many browsers allow you to block third-party ads and cookies. You can also clear all existing cookies in your browser settings, and you can browse in incognito mode.

User Rights

According to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of the European Union, you have the right to access, rectify, delete, and object to the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact us via the email provided on our website.

This privacy policy may be changed at any time without prior notice, so you may want to review it periodically to stay informed about any updates.

Terms of Use

The Help Images website is designed to share online applications that assist and provide value to its users in a way that helps with their personal or professional needs, especially in the production of image content, streamlining time optimization, and content management for photographers, illustrators, and videographers.

All the applications available here can be used at any time according to the user’s needs, without the need for prior authorization or any charges.

Our mission is to create value on the internet. Although we offer free access and usage, when using any application hosted by Help Images, the user must agree to our terms of use, which we reserve the right to modify at any time, without prior notice, according to our needs.

We also reserve the right to limit access to anyone, at any time, and for any reason, especially for users who violate our terms of use and misuse the applications.

All the solutions offered on the Help Images website are only for the purpose of assisting with the user’s needs, making no promises or guaranteeing any results beyond what the applications offer.

All results obtained from Help Images applications are the sole responsibility of the user. Those who disagree with our terms of use are kindly requested not to use our applications.